I can’t believe it, but I am finally out of my first trimester of pregnancy! In a strange (and totally not serious way), it kind of feels like being released from jail. A jail inside my own body.
Let me explain.
For the past 8 weeks or so (I started feeling sick around 6 weeks pregnant), I’ve been in a constant state of drowsiness, unbearable nausea, puberty style breakouts, intense mood swings and overall anxiety that something was going to happen to my baby. It really is like living in a jail inside my body. I felt like I couldn’t commit to anything because I never knew how I was going to feel. There is no way to sugar coat it, it sucked. Now, I’ve come out the other side and I’m excited to share 5 things that helped me get there without completely losing my mind or my lunch (I can proudly say I didn’t throw up at all!)
Now for those of you who haven’t been pregnant before, it may be hard for you to relate to this post, but please, read on. My guess is you or someone very close to you will need these tips in the future.
1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Growing up, we are always told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In pregnancy, this is statement is even more truthful. One of the keys to keeping my nausea at bay was to make sure I had something to eat the second I woke up every single day. For the first few weeks, it was an avocado (I just had this weird obsession). Then, the thought of the avocado made me want to rip my stomach out of my body (funny how that happens in pregnancy), so I moved on to bananas. Once those started making my stomach turn (yep, it happened again), I got into toast with peanut butter. Whatever it is (and I mean whatever), just have it ready right when you wake up.
An empty stomach is usually what kick started my nausea and by that point, I couldn’t get myself to eat. Try to stay ahead of it by just snacking all day on whatever sounds good. Don’t worry too much about what you’re eating in the beginning, just make sure you’re eating. Oh and drink water, lots and lots of water.
2. Your skin’s new BFF, Apple cider vinegar & Honey. If you’re one of the lucky ones who gets that pregnancy glow nice and early, you can skip to the next section. I however, experienced terrible breakouts throughout my entire first trimester (and even now to some extent). I’ve always been prone to breakouts, so I’m not surprised, but usually I take an antibiotic to help keep them at bay. During pregnancy, you really want to keep all medication and chemicals to a minimum so I forced to find another alternative. After some major research I discovered what may be the worlds best natural cure for acne….Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey.
Every night after I wash my face, I apply some apple cider vinegar (diluted with a little water) to my face as a toner. Then, I spot treat any pimples with honey and let it sit on my face for like 30 minutes. After I wipe off the honey, I pack on the Cetaphil moisturizer and go to sleep. If I skip even one night of this regimen, I breakout again. Needless to say, you’ll probably see me with honey on my face for the next 6 months. #noshame
3. Ok you have 2 new BFFS. The other is Netflix. When you’re trapped in your bed with crippling nausea, it can be kind of lonely. Help curb the boredom and get yourself a subscription to Netflix. I found myself getting lost in some awesome shows and it would even take my mind off of how sick I felt. It’s just a really good (and inexpensive) way to make yourself feel better. Here are some of the totally girlie series you should watch: One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Jane the Virgin and Drop Dead Diva.
4. Keep gum EVERYWHERE. In your car, next to your bed, at your desk at work and even a back-up stash in your purse. Always have gum around. Whenever I felt sick, a nice piece of spearmint gum would always help take the edge off. My dentist from Kvinsland Dentistry family dentist in Gig Harbor would hate me for this, but I’d even find myself reaching for a piece in the middle of the night. It helped tremendously.
5. Have a positive attitude. I think a lot of times we can get lost in the misery of this first trimester and forget about the amazing things that our bodies are actually doing. You’re tired because your body is busy creating the entire framework for you future child. Don’t think for one second that you need an feel bad for staying in bed for 5 days (yes I did that) or skipping out on that girls night dinner (I did that too). The people around you will understand. Your body is hard at work and you need your rest.
There was a time early on that I really struggled with how lazy I felt I was being and how unproductive I felt I had become. In reality though, this is probably the only time for the rest of your life that you’re going to be able to be this lazy (and should be). Enjoy it, feel good about the miracle you’re creating inside of you and know it gets better soon. I promise.
Love always,
You sharing incredible experience. All the best