Hands down, this has been the most life-changing year for me.
Between quitting my job in May, getting engaged and launching my own brand/business, I feel like I’ve learned a lot. I thought it would be awesome to finish out 2014 by sharing the 5 most salient lessons I’ve learned over this year in hopes that they will inspire you to get the most out of 2015.
1) There is always going to be an excuse not to do something: If I’ve learned anything this year, it’s that there is never a good time to do anything that scares you or is different from your norm. Whether it’s losing weight, starting a business or leaving a terrible relationship, if you constantly push it off or tell yourself you will do it when the time is better, it will never happen.
For me, I learned this back in May when I finally left my job. For months leading up to it, I was unhappy and felt completely unappreciated. I kept giving myself excuses and telling myself I would leave after the holidays. The holidays quickly passed and then I said I would leave after the next big project. When that didn’t happen, I said I would leave after bonus time. Long story short, I just kept pushing it off and giving myself excuses all while doing long-term damage to my self-esteem and confidence. In the end, when I finally got the courage to leave, the light that was dulled while I was there finally had a chance to shine and I have never been happier. I removed the negativity from my life and opened myself up to doing what I am truly passionate about. So remember, there is never a good time and there is always going to be an excuse…so just do it!
2) Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want/need: Whether it’s in a relationship, friendship or at work, you can’t be afraid to ask for what you want or need. People aren’t mind readers and a lot of the time, it’s as simple as asking. I always tell my friends that by not asking, the answer is a 100% no and that’s where it ends. If you do ask, that “no” percentage goes down and you have the opportunity to actually get what you want! I don’t know about you, but I think some chance is better than no chance!
3) Let go of what’s not working: This has been one of the hardest challenges for me this year, but I’ve finally figured out how to let go when things don’t work. Here is an example: Up until about 3 years ago, I had a friend in my life who was toxic. Like the type of girl who would constantly talk negative about other people and worst of all, her own friends. It was the kind of situation where you didn’t want to go to the bathroom because you were worried what she would say about you while you were gone. She was a ticking time bomb with a millimeter long fuse. People were scared of her and friends with her out of fear. I was one of those silly people…and this went on for about 7 years. I know we’ve all had that friend.
About 3 years ago we had a falling out (who the heck knows why), but for whatever reason, I found myself holding onto this friendship. I had difficulty letting go and as a result I didn’t open myself up to anyone or anything new.
Back in April, I met my friend, Jessica Zweig, who honestly changed everything for me. She invited me to a Full-Moon Party where the whole purpose was to let go of the past and move forward with the present. We did a burning ritual where you actually wrote down the people, thoughts and memories that you want to move past and you burn them. Hocus Pocus aside, I attribute this ritual to ridding the negative energy from my life. I’m not even sure you need to physically burn anything, but taking a few moments to reflect on what’s not working and making a conscious decision to end it there and move forward no matter what is hands down the best thing you can do for yourself.
Since I was able to finally let go of what wasn’t working I have opened myself up to the most unbelievably honest, caring and successful group of friends that constantly motivate me every single day. Each one of them is so incredible that I feel so incredibly lucky that they are a part of my life. In short, you only have so much energy and if the negative is taking up all the space, there is no room for the positive. Let it go.
4) Know your end goal and check-in along the way: I’ve learned this year that you can’t just set goals and expect to just achieve them. You have to constantly check-in along the way and make sure whatever your doing helps you achieve your long-term goal.
For example, I have a long-term goal of becoming a house-hold name. I want to be a brand synonymous with a light-hearted approach to cooking and food. Every day, I get offers for different product sponsorships and I have to constantly check-in and make sure that it is in line with my end goal. I’ll never get to where I want to be by standing behind something I don’t believe in or that doesn’t fit with my brand. I believe this translates to anything. Like, if one of your end goals is to have a family, then you need to check-in to your life, look at your relationship and ask yourself if that person will help you get to your end goal.
5) Friends can come and go, but your family is there no matter what: Now, I understand this isn’t always the case, but for most people, your family is always going to be your biggest advocate. They are going to give you the most honest advice, because at the end of the day, they have known you longer than anyone else in this world. It’s easy to overlook them since you know deep down they will always be there, but I challenge you to cherish them more next year. I attribute every single success I have in life to the support of my family and I couldn’t be more thankful for them.
If one-person takes just one of these lessons and it helps inspire them to live a more positive life, then it was worth sharing. Cheers to a new year!
Love always,
Great advice Erica! And it really rings true to the heart. Toxic people really affect you so much more than you realize until they are gone. Letting go is not easy. Congrats on all your accomplishments! Going to be a great year!
SO much to say about this. It actually makes me a little emotional.
Lesson #1: I can completely relate. I started this school year with a new full time teaching job and “on paper” it was a perfect situation. Timmy was able to be in the same building as me, I was teaching, and I created the curriculum for the entire school and oversaw all teachers lesson plans. It seemed like a really great career move.. Fast forward a month into the school year, I would visit Timmy in his classroom and on many occasions found his basic needs being neglected. His teachers ignored me, he had constant diaper rash from not being changed, pieces of carpet in his mouth, was never put down for naps (making him miserable at night), and to top it off, I found him chewing on plastic and when I pulled it out and showed his teacher, her response was “well he gets into things, so I don’t know what to tell you”…. ummm take care of my child- babies put things in their mouths- watch them. UGH. The straw that broke the camels back was when my poor baby was screaming his face off and no one was paying attention to him. They then popped a binkie in his mouth to quiet him down, instead of picking him up and consoling him. That is extremely frustrating because I don’t allow the binkie at home unless he is sleeping… I kept putting off quitting because I didn’t want to let down my boss, who gave me a great opportunity. And most of all I didn’t want to let down my husband because this would mean I would have no income. But at the end of the day, my kids are the most important thing to me and I’d rather be broke and not have nice things than to be heart broken, knowing that my son’s needs were not being met. (That was long winded- but your courage to quit your job and follow your dreams made me feel like I could do it too)
#3: Seriously, ditto. I feel like at our stage in life, this is something we all have to do. There are so many people that were in my life that just weren’t cutting it as friends. I was actually telling one of my best friends last night that there are very few people that aren’t family members that I truly NEED in my life. I’d rather focus on those relationships than to try to keep up with superficial people that don’t sincerely care about and appreciate my life and my family.
#4: Once again, your motivation and inspiration has led me to follow a new dream and set a new goal for myself and my career. I’ve always wanted to be a stay at home mom, but I also like to be independent and make my own money. A perfect idea (teaching dance at daycare centers) came to me and I literally thought to myself, “If Erica can make her own business, then so can I” 🙂 I just hope that my persistence and motivation pays off soon enough!
Well, I just wrote you a book about my life in the past year, but I enjoyed reading your lessons and wanted to share my similar experiences with you!
Excellent advice. Thank you for sharing, Erica.
So very very proud of all your accomplishments .. We love you and yes we cherish you too. ❤️keep your success going . Can’t wait to see what 2015 brings…
Inspiring!! Love you! ❤️