If you haven’t heard already (or living under a rock), my boyfriend (now fiancé), Dan, asked me to marry him on Friday!
It all started Thursday night. I was grocery shopping for crepe ingredients at Whole Foods since I was filming a segment for DevHour TV on Friday. I stopped over at the dairy section to pick up some eggs and grabbed a dozen of brown ones. Dan looked in the cart and told me I should use white ones since he thought they looked better on camera. I insisted that brown would look better and my usually non-combative boyfriend kept pushing me to get white.
After a 10 minute argument over egg shell color in the middle of aisle 5 (yeah that actually happened), he gave in and let me get my brown eggs.
The next day, my producer, Tony, showed up to film the segment. About 10 minutes later, Dan came home from work surprisingly early! I thought it was strange that he was wearing a full suit on a Friday (usually he’s more casual), but didn’t really think too much into it. As I’m about to start filming, my producer told me that my red shirt was too similar to the shirt I wore last time and asked me to go change. Since I was prepared and had already steam pressed 4 other shirts, it took me about 30 seconds to change. I chose a cute black top.
When I came back into the room, Dan and Tony both looked at me like I had 3 heads. They told me I needed to change again and that black wasn’t right for camera. I went back in and put on a blue shirt and came right back out. Both Tony and Dan seemed frustrated that I was changing so quickly, but again, I didn’t think much of it. I just thought they were being kind of strange.
Finally, we settled on the blue shirt and I started filming the segment on how to make crepes. The whole time we were filming I kept saying that I thought Dan was “in the shot” and kept asking him to move. I didn’t understand why he was hovering over me while I was filming. He never does that. Tony kept insisting that Dan wasn’t in the shot and asked me to keep going.
After I filmed the segment introduction, I took my vegetables over to the pan to start cooking them and when I turned back around to make the crepe batter, I noticed my brown eggs was replaced with white ones. I initially got annoyed thinking Dan was poking fun at our fight last night and trying to throw me off on camera. But when I picked up the first egg to crack it, it felt a little lighter than usual…
That’s because Dan put my engagement ring inside.
If I got $1 for every time someone asked me how he got the ring inside, I would be able to pay for my wedding in full. As a result, I asked Dan to e-mail me the instructions for how he did it. This was his response:
1. Cut the egg with a straight razor
2. Put magnets on the top of the top half of the egg and the bottom half of the egg to weight it
3. Put the ring in the egg with cotton balls
4. Super glue the two egg halves together
5. Crush up egg shells into a powder
6. Use the powder to cover up the line that is formed when you cut the egg with the straight razor
7. Find the right girl to give it to
When I read Step 7, my heart literally melted. I found such a perfect man.
There is an entire 2nd part to this story that you’ll just have to wait to find out. Hint: It involves me almost fainting and actually falling over because of how overwhelmed I was. Oh…and it is was all caught on camera. I’m going to share the video EXCLUSIVELY with my e-mail followers first, so if you want to see it, make sure you sign up on the top of the site!
Love always,
Love the story! Can’t wait for the video. Congratulations!! I can just picture you all confused with the whole situation 🙂
So Happy For You! This is the cutest, and what an amazing man to think of something so difficult but so perfectly you! Love you!Can’t wait for the video, I’m sure I’ll be crying haha XoXo!
This is awesome! I’ve got to do this once I find the right girl to do it for 🙂