In reality, all boxed Mac & Cheese is pretty bad for you, but Kraft is the king. It contains two terrible additives (yellow #5 and yellow #6) which have have been proven to cause severe hypersensitivity reactions and might trigger hyperactivity and other behavioral effects in children. The scary part? These ingredients are banned in most other countries and Kraft has eliminated them in their products there! What gives?! Bagels are honestly nutritionally insignificant. They are high in carbs and are lacking the protein and fiber you need for a well rounded breakfast. As a double whammy, if you're prone to skin problems, beware! Bagels are really on the high glycemic index, which increases your bodies insulin (which is shown to possibly accelerate aging and worsen acne and rosacea). Yikes! Come to think of it, don't eat or drink ANYTHING diet that contains any artificial sweetener. That stuff is so bad for you! These chemicals (because that's what they are) can cause serious health problems related to metabolism and weight gain, neurological diseases, joint pain, digestive problems, headaches, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, chemical toxicity, and cancer. Gross! Stop before you pop! Although tasty, microwave popcorn is full of awful chemicals that can really hurt you overtime. For example, most popcorn brands use an artificial butter flavoring called, diacetyl. This chemical has been known to cause respiratory and lung problems as well as brain damage! While you should always buy organic if you can, one fruit that should never be eaten in a non-organic for is an apple. First off, apples have more pesticides on them than any other fruit and these pesticides cause cancer. It's a proven fact that farm workers who work with apples have higher rates of many cancers! Also, an increasing numbers of studies are linking a pesticides with Parkinson's disease.
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
Diet Soda
Microwave Popcorn Shot 2014-07-28 at 9.14.00 AM.png
Non-Organic Apples Shot 2014-07-28 at 8.51.33 AM.png
Although most foods are okay in moderation, here are 5 foods you need to eliminate from your diet right away!
Carolynn says
Love it Erica! Keep up the great tips!
Suzanne says
I’m with you on everything except the bagels! I can’t believe artificial sweetners are even legal!